Recommending chartered surveyors

Hi Richard
Thanks very much for producing the report so quickly. I emailed it in to Target are nolonger the Administrators for Help to Buy, click to read more’> Target with the solicitor details at 1pm. I spoke to them about 10 minutes ago to ask them if they would refer it to the Urgent Redemptions team; after about a minute on hold I was told that “a member of that team was dealing with the redemption now, your solicitor will get the figure by email in about half an hour and you’ll get a hard copy in the post in the next few days”! If it is the case, it’ll make that redemption fee worthwhile…
I did also mention about them recommending chartered surveyors such as yourself that already know the system and understand what was required. The operator was non-committal, but I thought that if enough people mentioned it, it may bring some change about.
Thanks again for your help – all the best in the future!
Wes Hearst